» » » Scotty Came Back Lyrics

Scotty Came Back Lyrics

Name Taken - Hold On For Your Dearest Life Lyrics

Scotty Came Back by Accused

Scotty Came Back
So, with Scotty
They buried his body
Thought he was dead
Went inside and went to bed
But he came back,
Back from the grave
To revenge his abuse
Cause there is no excuse

At night he crawls
No smiles at all
Unless he's avenging the kids
Whose parents don't deserve to live
He came back,
Back from the grave
To revenge his abuse
Cause there is no excuse

Watch out lady!
You abused your baby
Scotty's gonna kill you
There's nothing you can do
Cause you're dead

So with Scotty
They buried his body
Thought he was dead
Went inside and went to bed


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