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Death Of The Party Lyrics

Name Taken - Hold On For Your Dearest Life Lyrics

Death Of The Party by AFI

Death Of The Party
I couldn't wait to find you
I only ever left to return, return
I couldn't wait to find you
Smiling, how I'd left you, in fur, black fur

At the party, who was left behind?
At the party, who was left behind?
At the party, who was left behind?
At the party, I was left behind

I stared into the water
My sisters, where's my daughter?
You heard, you heard
How hard I'd tried to find you
Soaking where I'd left you in fur, black fur

At the party, who was left behind?
At the party, who was left behind?
At the party, who was left behind?
At the party, you were left

"Where, oh where, did you last see her?
She was right there soaking in black fur"

At the party, who was left behind?
At the party, who was left behind?
At the party, who was left behind?
At the party you were left

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