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Looking Lyrics

Name Taken - Hold On For Your Dearest Life Lyrics

Looking by Amias Davies

The ones that are blinded,
They can’t see their dreams,
They get swallowed by the darkness,
They fear the unseen,
They play the safest,
They get the price of the failure,
Tired of all the pity,
Looking for a reason to start,
Finding a solution to losing,
Stopping at the sign,
Cares no more about the winners,
Feels the pain of the underground,
Being crushed by all the fear,
Can’t stand up to the devil,
He himself starts to shuffle.
We reach a certain point and stop looking,
We stop looking for better results,
We get satisfied with the norm,
We look down on the weaker,
Open your eyes! That was you, and it still is,
You have to reach the top,
So that you can’t be looked down on,
You have to reach the finish line to win,
No one cares about second,
No one cares about a win,
They want your victory,
Spread your name,
Open your eyes to the fruits of life.

Copyright statement DMCA « Lyrics are property and copyright of their owners. Song provided for educational and language learning purposes