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Courtship Lyrics

Name Taken - Hold On For Your Dearest Life Lyrics

Courtship by Björk

He turned me down
I then downturned another
Who then downturned her
The paralysing juice of rejection
His veins full of lead
He’s left with loving what he lost
More than what he has
My snakeskin, cold in the dark
But warms up in the light
I then upturned a green-eyed giant
Who upturned and entered me
Will we stop seeing what unites us
But only what differs?
Ghosts of old loves
Hovering around his orifices
His orifices
As you narrate your own heart-tale
You thread souls into one beam
The love you gave and have been given
To weave into your own dream
I trust myself to re-archive
My love historic stream

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