City Of Love
Isabella: So, Phineas, what do you think of the City of Love?
Phineas: I wish it was the City of Airplane Parts...
Isabella: Oh, you're just too stressed! You should take a moment to relax and enjoy it.
We could share a crêpe sucr�e
At this Parisian cafÃ?
Phineas: Huh. That awning could be used as a sail! Or, you know, a parachute, depending on how things go.
Isabella: Take a break and smell these flowers
Underneath the Eiffel Tower
Phineas: I wonder if they still have pieces of that hanging around? The rivets would come in handy.
Isabella: Oh, Phineas...
Won't you share a crème brûl�e with me?
Phineas: Hey! Look at that nifty little blow torch!
Isabella: How perfect could this be
In the City of Love?
Couples: (In the City of Love)
Isabella: In the City of Love
Ferb: (In the City of Love)
Isabella: We could try some fancy cheese
Or peruse the galleries
Phineas: I wonder if oil-based paint is a rocket fuel.
Isabella: Isn't this a perfect day?
How do I look in this beret?
Phineas: Oh, that reminds me! We might need helmets.
Isabella: Oh, how can he not feel the same way
When we're strolling down the Champs-ÃlysÃ?es
In the City of Love?
Lady: (In the City of Love)
Couples: (In the City of Love)
Isabella: I wish that he would whisper "ma chÃ?rie, je t'aime"
But all he wants to do is try to fix that plane
In the City of Love
Artist: (In the City of Love)
Isabella: In the City of Love (in the City of Love)
In the City of Love.... (in the City of Love)