It's My Hair
Gotta clean, gotta shine
Gotta weep, gotta whine
Got a good piece of ass
Down on Sunset and Vine
You gotta come on me, b**ch
And stop all this f**kin' around
And you gotta somehow please stop
Before you let go and become loose
Like how you are from my hand
And I just hope you're real good
'Cause you gotta take care
Don't you ever dare fare
And take good care, a real good air
And lay 'em bare there without a stare
A stare from anywhere 'cause it's my hair
It's my hair, it's my hair
And I'll do what I want
Gotta clean, gotta shine
Gotta weep, gotta whine
Got a good piece of ass
Down on Sunset and Vine
You gotta come on me, b**ch
And stop all this f**kin' around
And you gotta somehow please stop
Before you let go and become loose
Like how you are from my hand
And I just hope you're real good
'Cause you gotta take care
Don't you ever dare fare
And take good care, a real good air
And lay 'em bare there without a stare
A stare from anywhere 'cause it's my hair
It's my hair, it's my hair
And I'll do what I want