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Good Vs. Evil Lyrics

Name Taken - Hold On For Your Dearest Life Lyrics

Good Vs. Evil by Dillon Price

Good Vs. Evil
I sit and watch the TV screen
Falling deep into the sofa chair
Events unfold like sugar to my mind
I take a walk out on to the street
Blindly and patiently forgetting who I am
I'm not the only one, of my kind
It's a battle we fight, it's a war in which we wage
Are you on the right side
The demons in your head deceive and pretend
They're your friend and your guide
They'll tear you down and follow you everywhere you go
There's no place left to hide
Good Vs. Evil and trials of life
Will Take you for a ride
The Police shout from the streets below
I speak my last words before I jump
Has my soul become weak
And given in
I can hear the devil calling my name
In control like a puppet master pulling on the strings
But I can't give up
And let this devil win
It's a battle we fight, it's a war in which we wage
Are you on the right side
The demons in your head deceive and pretend
They're your friend and your guide
They'll tear you down and follow you everywhere you go
There's no place left to hide
Good Vs. Evil and trials of life
Will Take you for a ride
It's a battle we fight, it's a war in which we wage
Are you on the right side
The demons in your head deceive and pretend
They're your friend and your guide
They'll tear you down and follow you everywhere you go
There's no place left to hide
Good Vs. Evil and trials of life
Will Take you for a ride

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