» » » Hide Another Round Lyrics

Hide Another Round Lyrics

Name Taken - Hold On For Your Dearest Life Lyrics

Hide Another Round by Dinosaur Jr.

Hide Another Round
Come on let's hide it
Let's hide it, let's hide another round
Come on let's try it
Inside it, before it hits the ground
Come on let's hide it
Let's hide it, let's hide another miss
Come on beside it
Untie it, we need one more than this

Stuck inside no reason
Filed down a thought
I was stuck believing
Now I just got caught

I can't face it down
You won't come around

Come on let's hide it
Let's hide it, let's find another round
Come on beside it
Beside it if it's free or do we drown
Come on let's hide it
Let's hide it, let's hide another miss
Come on let's try it
Do we need it, do we need one more than this

Packed away I meant it
Wouldn't get it wrong
Knew it but I sent it
Driving all along

I'm not here for good
Be there if I could

Come on let's hide it
Let's hide it, let's hide but I can't say
Come on and ride it
Inside it, despite another day
Come on let's hide it
Let's hide it, let's try another around
Come on beside it
Pieces piled up in the yard and upside down

Come on let's hide it
Come on let's hide it
Come on let's hide it
Come on let's hide it

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