» » » I Ain't Lyrics

I Ain't Lyrics

Name Taken - Hold On For Your Dearest Life Lyrics

I Ain't by Dinosaur Jr.

I Ain't
I ain't good alone
I ain't good alone
I ain't good alone
I ain't good alone
Can't quite face it
Wish you'd bring me home

I ain't good alone
I ain't good alone
I ain't good alone
I ain't good alone
Still can't take it
Won't be the one who goes

I can't take it
Can't quite place it
I won't make it alone
I won't break it
No mistake
I just can't go it alone
A space inside you
I can't leave it alone
I can't face you
It's too late to
Truly take it alone

I ain't good alone
I ain't good alone
I ain't good alone
I ain't good alone
I won't let you
I can't keep it goin'

I ain't good alone
I ain't good alone
I ain't good alone
I ain't good alone
Tried to risk it
Tried to bring you home

I can't take it
Can't quite place it
I won't make it alone
I won't break it
No mistake
I just can't go it alone
A space inside you
I can't leave it alone
I can't face you
It's too late to
Truly take it alone

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