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I Met The Stones Lyrics

Name Taken - Hold On For Your Dearest Life Lyrics

I Met The Stones by Dinosaur Jr.

I Met The Stones
I saw the planet, I met The Stones
If you're invited stupid not to go
I took a peek I saw you alone

I gave it everything I got
I tried to stop you, I could not
I'm here to tell you, that's a lot

I got excited, I got depressed
The situation and then the rest

Feel out the others, test extreme
I came prepared to keep it lean
I pressed a button on the scene

I got to help you find the sound
I held a piece off, ground it down
Thought that it meant you'd come around

I got the feelers, I got the weight
Your attention, a rig I fake

Believe the others, just not me
Explain away the other three
Not that it matters, I agree

I gave it everything I got
I tried to stop you, I could not
I'm here to tell you that's a lot

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