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Old Souls Lyrics

Name Taken - Hold On For Your Dearest Life Lyrics

Old Souls by Faith And The Muse

Old Souls
Our love, is an old love
It's older than all of our years
I had seen in strangers eyes
Familiar tears

We're old souls, in a new life
They gave us a new life to live and learn
Some time to touch old friends and still return

Our paths have corssed and parted, this love
Affair was started long... long ago
Our love survives the ages

In it's story lives are pages... filled them all
Made all slow
Oh oh oh

Our love is a strong love
We give it all and still receive
And so in empty arms
We must still believe

Old souls last forever
So we need never fear goodbye
A kiss when I must go
No tears...
In time, we kiss... Hello!

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