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Prodigal Lyrics

Name Taken - Hold On For Your Dearest Life Lyrics

Prodigal by Faith And The Muse

Mother and Father, Sister and friend
It's not that I embrace the end
It's simply that I feel too deeply
Towards what I see around me
But this is not escape
This is my way
Oh Father, Mother I find
The people here are so unkind
And strangers trample blindly
They've lost all common courtesy
This is not escape
This is my way
When I was a child I knew I'd never die
Like an unknown god that was watching through my eyes
And I was strange and I was old
Watched the future past unfold
Their toys are getting complicated
But no one's any brighter
More doors are locked and bolted
But no one's any stronger
Oh Brother, Sister I see
You are not happier than me
But you will all pretend to be
To prove there's something wrong with me
But this is not escape
This is my way
And I may or may not change

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