» » » Savage Good Boy Lyrics

Savage Good Boy Lyrics

Name Taken - Hold On For Your Dearest Life Lyrics

Savage Good Boy by Japanese Breakfast

Savage Good Boy
I want to be your man
I want to be your man
I want to be your savage good boy
I want to take care of you

When everybody's gone
I want you to be the one that I come home to
The one that's up waiting

I want to make the money until there's no more to be made
And we will be so wealthy I'm absolved from questioning
That all my bad behavior was just a necessary strain
They're the stakes in a race to win

I've got a five year plan
I've got a pension and six condos
A billion dollar bunker for two

And when the city's underwater
I will wine and dine you in the hollows
On a surplus of freeze dried food

I want to make the money until there's no more to be made
And as the last ones standing we'll be tasked to repopulate
And as you rear our children know it's the necessary strain
They're the stakes in the race to live

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