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As Good As It Gets Lyrics

Name Taken - Hold On For Your Dearest Life Lyrics

As Good As It Gets by Katie Gavin

As Good As It Gets
[Verse 1: Katie Gavin]
Do I disappoint you?
Am I not what I seemed?
I get disappointed too
When love is not what I dreamed
You only understand me
Eighty percent of our days
The sex can be amazing
And otherwise it’s okay

[Chorus: Katie Gavin & Mitski]
I think this is as good as it gets, my love
I think this is as good as it gets
Pray to God that you think that it is enough
I think this is as good as it gets
I think this is as good as it gets

[Verse 2: Mitski]
I want you to disappoint me
On and off until we’re old
I’m inside folding laundry
You’re outside fixing the hose

[Chorus: Katie Gavin]
I think this is as good as it gets, my love
I think this is as good as it gets
Pray to God that you think that it is enough
I think this is as good as it gets
I think this is as good as it gets
I think this is as good as it gets
I think this is as good as it gets

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