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Nasi Goring Lyrics

Name Taken - Hold On For Your Dearest Life Lyrics

Nasi Goring by Proctor and Bergman

Nasi Goring
I'm Nasi Goring
I'm never boring
I flip on my zoot suit, toots, and whoops, I go a-scoring
I walk the train yard
I stalk the highway
Late night statements down in a basement, you're gonna say that's a-my way
I'm Nasi Goring
Nobody's a to me
I'm continental
I'm never mental
I carry this whip, it's a tip
I can't be gentle
You let your rain pour
What does it matter
I'm bigger and bolder, Charlie, I'm blacker, yeah, and I'm a whole lot fatter
I'm Nasi Goring
How come nobody's a balling poor old me
Spoken: Yes, folks, it's very hard to be a gorilla. But I gotta tell you something, everybody's got a gorilla inside him. And sooner or later, Charlie, you gonna have to let him go, and when you do, he's gonna walk and when that gorilla walks he's gonna walk a little something like this
In Indonesian
My noodles are pleasin'
But I'm a gorilla, I can't listen to reason
Like all God's creatures I have my features
Road stops, side lots, I got lots and lots and lots of teachers
Oh, poor Nasi Goring, how come nobody's warning poor old me?
Spoken: That's all, folk

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