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Thicker Than Water Lyrics

Name Taken - Hold On For Your Dearest Life Lyrics

Thicker Than Water by Richard Dawson

Thicker Than Water
[Verse 1]
At the end, I didn’t really comprehend
That I was saying goodbye
For the last time to all my friends and family
My only thought was flight from the mines
When it hits me
I’ve already crossed the border into higher country
Thunder and hail
Sheltered in a burned-out van
I whisper a lullaby
[Verse 2]
I press on
Keeping abreast of the dual-carriageway
Over fields asway with phantoms of wheat
It’s been days now
I haven’t seen a single living creature
Besides a pair of sparring magpies
Going under ochre arches
Once the rumbling arteries of a great city
To-and-fro-ing people in their droves
Above bright streets now
Desolate capillaries of stone

Their laughter resounds from the shells of-
Every shop, every pub, every school, every home

Within weeks, I managed to find the building
Where Mam and Dad’s earthen vessels are lain
And the dog’s... and my own
With my bare fists, I smash the screens
Pull their drips out and fling away their goggles
I am in bits

Half expecting them to wake -
But nothing changes
I'll just have to find another way to reach them

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