» » » At The Seams Lyrics

At The Seams Lyrics

Name Taken - Hold On For Your Dearest Life Lyrics

At The Seams by Trouble In The Wind

At The Seams
I skated fun
On the frozen hearts of everyone
They always played their parts
Except for one

They'd hidden up their sleeve
Another queen of broken hearts for me

I've always opened up my heart to you all
I've always opened up my heart to you all
To you all
To you all

Any way you want me
You can have me
I've been crying so long
Til you found me

Breaking apart at the seams
Til you found me
Breaking apart at the seams

Any way you want me
You can have me
I've been crying so long
Til you found me

Breaking apart at the seams
Til you found me
Breaking apart at the seams

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