» » » Grumpy Lyrics

Grumpy Lyrics

Name Taken - Hold On For Your Dearest Life Lyrics

Grumpy by Trouble In The Wind

All your talk just makes me grumpy
You just want to fight for something I don't have

All my love is uninvited
Words outside a world divided by its past

All these ships in all these harbors
All this swimming farther and farther on my path

Did someone take your heart
And throw it away
Did someone take your heart
And throw it away
Did someone take your heart
And throw it away

Told me what the chances are
I told you I would take them
Told me what the chances are
I told you I would take them

You told me what the chances are

Copyright statement DMCA « Lyrics are property and copyright of their owners. Song provided for educational and language learning purposes