» » » Luna Lyrics

Luna Lyrics

Name Taken - Hold On For Your Dearest Life Lyrics

Luna by Trouble In The Wind

I've not never know
My wrong from right
Been rowing the same boat
Against the same tide

Luna Luna Luna
My hands are tied
I put a promise in my heart
And I hold on tight

Can I come home to you
Can I come home to you?

And lay my body
Where I belong

I've seen the bad ones
I've seen them fall
I've wished on the River Seine

I've seen the bad ones
I've loved them all
I've kissed on the River Seine

When the tide is running thin
In my heart is pain
When I told the truth to you
There's nothing more to say

I've not never know
My wrong from right

Copyright statement DMCA « Lyrics are property and copyright of their owners. Song provided for educational and language learning purposes