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The New Breed Lyrics

Name Taken - Hold On For Your Dearest Life Lyrics

The New Breed by Upon A Burning Body

The New Breed
So you thought that you were better than me?
I can no longer bite my tongue, bleed
I'm not one to run my mouth
When fists come to fists I'll put you on the ground

I've had enough of your bullsh*t
Forget everything you thought you knew
I'm coming straight cut throat now, what you gonna do?
I'm forever and you think you won't always be a failure
I'm not asking you, I'm telling you
Now what you gonna do?

Don't bro me if you don't know me
Don't f**king bro me if you don't know me
f**king right

Ready or not, we are the new breed
We are the new scene
So tell me now? Do you want it, yeah
Do you need it? Yeah
Step up, step up
Or get the f**k out the way, punk

Where you running?
I don't hear you talking now
It must be hard when there's a fist in your mouth
Gotta get it, gotta take what I want
Don't stand in my path
Or there's gonna be a bloodbath

Don't bro me if you don't know me
Don't f**king bro me if you don't know me
f**king right

Ready or not, we are the new breed
We are the new scene
So tell me now? Do you want it, yeah
Do you need it? Yeah
Step up, step up
Or get the f**k out the way, punk

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