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Gracie Abrams Lyrics

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New Gracie Abrams Lyrics

  1. Close To You
  2. Free Now
  3. Good Luck Charlie
  4. Normal Thing
  5. Gave You I Gave You I
  6. I Knew It, I Know You
  7. Tough Love
  8. Let It Happen
  9. ​us.
  10. I Love You, I’m Sorry
  11. Blowing Smoke
  12. Risk
  13. Felt Good About You
  14. Right Now
  15. The Blue
  16. Fault Line
  17. This Is What The Drugs Are For
  18. Difficult
  19. Amelie
  20. Will You Cry?
  21. I Should Hate You
  22. Where Do We Go Now?
  23. Full Machine
  24. I Know It Won't Work
  25. Best
  26. Alright
  27. Painkillers
  28. Augusta
  29. Hard To Sleep
  30. Better
  31. Older
  32. Wishful Thinking
  33. The Bottom
  34. Camden
  35. For Real This Time
  36. Rockland
  37. Feels Like

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